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How to use APP
Scan this QR code and download our Mr-World APP.


Use your E-mail address to register, the password should include English letters,numbers and special characters with at least one capital letter and one lowercase letter, in 6-20 characters.


If you forget your password, you can use your E-mail to reset your password by “forget password”.


You can reset your password by click the link send to your E-mail:

Input your new password and “submit”.

Choose the products by “search”


Then select the order details and “Buy Now”:


Or you can first “Add to Cart”;then “Buy” to order:


Confirm the order details and “Pay”. On “Awaiting Confirm Freight” , you need to confirm the fright with the seller:


After confirmation of fright you can continue“Pay”, and choose a payment “Next”:


Finish the payment and received confirmed, then “Confirm Receipt”. Order is completed.